Hello, I am Jeff Blythe and feel blessed to be a part of the learning community at Monroe County Area Technology Center. Our goals are to provide students with experiences that equip them with the skills and working knowledge they will need when they transition into postsecondary careers and/or training. We offer Career Pathways in the areas of Automotive Technology (Instructor: Chris Graves), Business (Instructor: Kaylin Graves), Carpentry (Instructor: Brent Steenbergen), Electricity (Instructor: Barry Wood), Health Sciences (Instructors: TBA and Melissa Smith), Welding (Instructor: Jesse Muse), and Wood Manufacturing (Instructor: Jeff Short). Each program prepares students to pass an End of Program Assessment (EOP) and/or an Industry Certification Assessment to receive an Industry Certification. Students who attend Monroe County High School and Metcalfe County High School have the option to attend our center.
Professionally, I entered the workforce as a draftsman in 1992 due to the skills I learned at the Monroe County Area Technology Center in Drafting Classes. Through a co-op program, the Technology Center placed me in a drafting position. I continued working as a mechanical and architectural draftsman and construction worker until completing college and gaining my first teaching position in 5th grade math at Gamaliel Elementary School in 2004. In 2010 I transitioned to the position of Principal at Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School. In November of 2020, I completed my circle of life and returned to the Monroe County Area Technology center, serving as principal. As for family, my wife is also an educator. We have been blessed with two amazing children. They inspire me to do all that I can to ensure that our community has a solid future with employment opportunities in many fields.
I have always had a love for Career and Technical Education and the opportunities these areas offer students and am thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of the training taking place. I have been very impressed with the ATC instructors’ abilities to communicate and demonstrate their content knowledge to students and just as important, I have been fascinated with the level of work that these young adults can demonstrate.
At the Monroe County Area Technology Center, we serve with an open-door philosophy and are always open to ideas, suggestions, and wish to help our community in any way that we can. Please reach out to us and we look forward to working with our students, parents, schools, and community.