Celebrating 50+ Years for Monroe County Area Technology Center!
Welcome to the Monroe County Area Technology Center Website.
In today’s world, it is exceedingly important for students to be truly ready for a career and/or college experience. Educational preparation requires collaboration between high schools and ATCs to provide a balance of classroom experiences full of rigorous engagement and hands-on, real-life learning that helps students understand the connections between the two. Our Vision, passed down by KY Tech, is “With high expectations and strong partnerships, Kentucky Tech will actively engage all students in the mastery of academic and technical skills needed to be ready for college and a career.” We strive to work daily to provide our students with the knowledge and experiences they need in order to acquire skills they need for their next step.
The instructors of Monroe County Area Technology Center are excited about the opportunity to serve the needs of all students pursuing technical education and skills training. Training is provided in seven career and technical programs including: Automotive Technology, Business Education, Construction Carpentry, Electrical Technology, Health Sciences, Welding Technology, and Wood Manufacturing. (You may access more detailed information regarding each program by selecting the link to the left.)
Our goal is to have something for everyone…something for them to explore as a career option, something to help them to train for the career they desire, something that will help them to acquire an industry certification while still in high school, something that will help them to earn dual credit that is transferrable to many post-secondary institutions, or just something to help them develop skills and valuable experiences that will be beneficial to their future day-to-day lives.
Each program is broken down into career pathways. Within these pathways, courses are selected based upon the tasks assigned to them that will be most beneficial in helping students to learn the skills they need in order to progress to the next course, whether it be in high school or beyond, as well as to help ensure they are competent and prepared to earn the KOSSA, Industry Certification, and/or dual credit associated with it. KOSSA (Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment) is given to all students once they acquire preparatory status within a program. Industry Certifications must meet the following criteria: be recognized, endorsed, or required by industry; be written and verified by national or state industries; have curriculum and certification aligned with state and/or national standards; and the certification must be an end of program assessment related to the student’s identified career pathway achieved through a sequence of courses. Dual credit is defined as enrollment in high school and college coursework with credit awarded by both the college or university and the high school when the student meets criteria set by the awarding institution (Please note: It is the responsibility of the student to ensure proper enrollment/payment occurs.).
Please explore our site. If any questions arise, we welcome your call at (270)487-8261.